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Advisor Account Checklist

Print this page as a checklist for opening an account.

  1. Begin the Advisor Electronic Application
    Applicants will be required to create a Username and Password during the initial stages of their applications. This is done to ensure that all information submitted is handled in a secure manner. Additionally, the login information will be used to access saved applications and the live account once approved. In many cases, the information provided electronically during the application is sufficient. However, we may require additional documentation, which should be sent using the information posted on the Contact Us/Document Submission Information page on the IBKR website.
  2. Open Trading Account
    During the master account application process, you will be asked if you would like to open a trading account for your own personal trading. If you elect to create a trading account at this time, you will be guided through a number of screens related to its creation. Since this trading account will be permanently associated with your master account, we will reuse information from the master application to eliminate the need for duplicate entry. Note that the master account is only used for placing trades on behalf of your clients, fee processing, collecting fees from clients, and paying fees to IBKR.
  3. Fund Your Account
    Master Account
    While you are not required to fund the master account, we highly recommend that funds equivalent to approximately 6 months worth of anticipated charges are placed into the account. If you do not have enough funds to cover your fees, market data and trading privileges may be suspended.

    Trading Account
    If you have chosen to create a trading account, funds you intend to use for your own trading should be sent directly to this account. All deposits made are subject to certain hold periods. This applies to internal transfers as well as withdrawal. Advisors who fund their master account intending to internally transfer to their trading account will only be able to do so after the applicable hold expires.

    Funding Methods
    IBKR offers a variety of methods which can be used to fund your trading account. The deposit instructions given to IBKR Accounts which have not been funded 45 days from approval will be closed.

    Check* (with your deposit instruction form, or your account number written on the check) or
    Wire (call or visit your bank to initiate)
    Electronic Funds Transfer (ACH)
    Broker-to-Broker Transfer (ACAT/ATON)
    Futures Transfer
    Foreign Asset Transfer
    IB Internal Transfers
  4. Application Review and Results
    To ensure all of the initial tasks required have been completed, you can log in to the Finish Application section of our website. Only those applicants who have completed all required portions of the application will have their applications considered for review. Fully completed applications are generally processed within 48 hours. You will be notified by email and through the Customer Service Message Center within Account Management if any additional information is required.
  5. Trading Account
    Those advisors who elected to open a Trading Account during the master account application process will be able to begin trading, assuming funds have been deposited into the Trading Account. In order to prevent potential delays in having funds credited to your account, we recommend that you deposit all funds for your own trading directly into the Trading Account. Funds received by 16:00 ET are available for trading the next business day under normal business circumstances. The latest status of your deposit or transfer may be found by viewing Transaction History in the Fundingsection of Account Management.
  6. Submit an Application for Each Client
    Most advisors can submit an application for a client either electronically or semi-electronically with paper signature. Both methods are accessible from Account Management.

    Fully Electronic (for fastest processing). You send an invitation to your client, who completes an electronic application online. Advisors can create client account templates in Account Management to save and re-use certain information for new client account applications.

    Semi-Electronic with paper signature. You and your client complete an electronic application online. At the end of the process you print the application for your client to review and complete the deposit instructions and the security questions and answers section. The client then signs the application and sends it to IB Account Processing.

    You can log into Account Management at any time to see the status of your clients' applications. Advisors who want to open additional accounts for themselves at a later time must use one of the two methods listed above.
  7. Client Account Funding
    IB offers the same variety of methods to your clients for funding. Accounts which have not been funded 45 days from approval will be closed.

    Check* (with your deposit instruction form, or your account number written on the check)
    Wire (call or visit your bank to initiate), as specified in your deposit instructions to IB
    Electronic Funds Transfer (ACH)
    Broker-to-Broker Transfer (ACATS/ATON)
    Futures Transfer
    Foreign Asset Transfer
    IB Internal Transfers
  8. Client Application Review and Results
    Advisors will be notified by email and through the Customer Service Message Center in Account Management of the results of your client's application. IB will also notify your clients via postal mail of these results. Clients whose accounts have been approved will receive a welcome letter which contains instructions on how to access their accounts.
  9. Trade Client Account
    Once your client funds his or her account and the funds have been credited, you may begin to trade. Funds received by 16:00 ET are available for trading the next business day under normal business circumstances. You can view the status of the deposit or transfer on the View Transaction History page in Account Management.
  10. Add Money Managers (optional)
    Advisors who function as Wealth Managers select registered Money Managers and assign client accounts to them for trading purposes. Select Money Managers on the Money Managers Assignment page in Account Management. After you select Money Managers, assign client accounts to the, set client trading permissions and set client fees.

Note: Checks or bank drafts are not available for IB Canada customers.