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Compare IBKR Lite and IBKR Pro

Which Plan is Best for You?

Features IBKR Lite IBKR Pro

US Exchange-Listed Stocks / ETFs

Commission-free1, 12 Fixed or Tiered Pricing

Other Stocks / ETFs

Fixed Pricing Fixed or Tiered Pricing


Fixed Pricing2 Fixed or Tiered Pricing


Fixed Pricing Fixed or Tiered Pricing


Tiered Pricing Tiered Pricing


Tiered Pricing Tiered Pricing

Mutual Funds

Fixed Pricing Fixed or Tiered Pricing
Account Fees:

Minimum Balance


Maintenance Fee


Interest Paid on Instantly Available Cash Balances3

Benchmark minus 1.5% Benchmark minus 0.5%

Interest Charged for Margin Loan

Benchmark plus 2.5% Begins at Benchmark plus 1.5%, with lower rates for higher loan values.4
Eligible Accounts:

US Retail Investors5

Institutional Accounts6



Account Features:

Stock Yield Enhancement Program

Insured Bank Deposit Sweep Program

Market Data - US Listed Stock/ETFs

Complimentary non-consolidated, real time streaming data* for primary exchanges for US Equities and ETFs. Complimentary non-consolidated, real time streaming data* for primary exchanges for US Equities and ETFs.

Market Data - Other Products

Low-cost data bundles and a la carte subscriptions available. Low-cost data bundles and a la carte subscriptions available.

Outside Regular Trading Hours11

07:00 - 20:00 04:00 - 20:00
Trading Technology:

Client Portal

IBKR Mobile


IBKR Desktop

Trader Workstation (TWS)




Condition Orders & Advanced Order Types

Paper Trading

Mutual Fund / ETF Replicator

Risk NavigatorSM

= Included

  1. IBKR Lite is meant for retail investors, including financial advisors trading on behalf of their retail clients. IBKR reserves the right to reject any IBKR Lite order or series of orders if IBKR determines the order(s) appear to show non-retail trading behavior. At the time an order is rejected, the client will be automatically presented the option to resubmit the rejected order on a Fixed commission basis.
  2. Where available in North America.
  3. Accounts with a NAV of less than USD 100,000 (or equivalent) will be paid at a rate proportional to accounts with a NAV of USD 100,000 (or equivalent) or more. The proportion is determined by the ratio of the account's NAV to USD 100,000 (or equivalent). This does not apply to currencies with negative interest rates, where the negative rate applied will be the same regardless of account size. See our Interest Rates for details.
  4. See our Margin Rates for details.
  5. US Retail Investors includes individuals, joint, UGMA/UTMA, retirement and trust accounts.
    1. Standalone trust accounts with legal entity trustees are not eligible for IBKR Lite
  6. Institutional Accounts are defined as any hedge funds, proprietary trading group or organizational type accounts
  7. Advisors include all registered financial advisors and non-registered financial advisors.
  8. To be eligible for IBKR Lite, advisors must be US domiciled and must have:
    1. Less than 15% of client accounts outside the US
    2. Less than 15% of client equity outside the US
    3. Less than 15% of client accounts as organization accounts
    4. No client accounts from Israel
    5. No partitioned client accounts
    6. No Separate Trading Limits (Proprietary Trading) accounts
  9. Brokers require special approval from IBKR before opening an IBKR Lite account. Brokers cannot have both IBKR Lite and IBKR Pro clients under the same account structure. Separate accounts structures are required to facilitate.
  10. Brokers on the IBKR Lite plan cannot support the follow ing type of client sub accounts:
    1. Israel is the country of legal residence of the account holder
    2. Partitioned client accounts
    3. Three-tier hierarchies (no advisor or STL proprietary trading accounts)
    4. OMS clients
  11. Regular trading hours for IBKR Lite and IBKR Pro are 09:30 – 16:00. Market orders placed prior to regular trading hours will be treated as MarketOnOpen orders and count towards client threshold.
  12. At the end of each month, IBKR will review the total monthly trading volume of US listed stock orders. If the combined volume of OnClose, OnOpen, Outside Regular Trading Hours ("Outside RTH") or sub-USD 1.00 NMS exceeds 10% of an account's monthly US stock trading volume, a commission of the lesser of USD 0.005 per share or 1% of trade value will be charged.

  • * Excludes pink sheet data.
  • **Trader Workstation (TWS) is not available to Brokers' clients enrolled in IBKR Lite.
  • † Fees may apply.

We understand your investment needs change over time. You can switch between the IBKR Lite and IBKR Pro plan at any time. Your first three reclassifications are processed on a daily basis while subsequent reclassifications happen on a quarterly basis.