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This instruction walks you through the standard installation procedure for installing the TWS, and provides the command line entries you will need. You can copy and paste the text to make it easier for you to install.
Click the Download button and save the TWS installation file to a desired location. The remaining instructions assume that you have saved the file to the default Downloads folder. If you have saved it to a different location, replace "Downloads" in the instructions with the appropriate directory/folder.
1. Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T on most distributions) and navigate to the directory where the installer was downloaded:
Copy: cd ~/Downloads
2. Make the installer executable by using: chmod u+x before the filename:
Copy: chmod u+x
3. Run the installer to start the wizard by typing "./" before the file name:
Copy: ./
Click the "Next" button on the Setup Wizard to extract files.
Uncheck the "Run Trader Workstation" checkbox and click the "Finish" button. A TWS icon is installed on your desktop.
Find the TWS icon on your desktop and double-click to launch the Login box.