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Commentary Generator
Advisor Portal, our free and powerful client relationship management (CRM) tool for advisors on the IBKR platform, now includes an AI-powered Commentary Generator that allows you to create timely, relevant updates for your clients in seconds.
Commentary Generator leverages generative AI to create client-specific reports summarizing the latest performance and ticker-specific news from select providers. Commentary Generator helps you streamline your workflow and improve your efficiency:
By combing through dozens of sources and citing them for the advisor’s convenience, the AI Commentary Generator conducts research in seconds that would otherwise take hours to complete.
Commentary Generator is accessed via the
Administration & Tools > Commentary Generator menu in Advisor Portal.
Quickly distill large amounts of information into client-specific insight.
Perform faster, near real-time updates as news breaks or additional information is made available.
Filter noise from your analysis to make straightforward recommendations.
Easily monitor and receive summaries tailored to the markets, sectors, asset classes and symbols of most interest to your clients.