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Options Strategy Builder
Learn more about Strategy Builder from our Traders' Academy.
Select a named strategy and hover your mouse over a desired leg. The tool automatically picks the remaining legs of the strategy for you. When you like the strategy you see, click the leg. Your strategy populates the Strategy Builder and can be saved to a Watchlist or submitted from the Order Panel.
See your potential profit in the Payoff Diagram to the right of each strategy. Open the Performance Profile to dive deeper into the strategy’s key performance characteristics – including P&L, the Greeks, Volatility and more - based on the underlying price movement.
As you create the strategy the order panel creates an order. Transmit the order directly from the Strategy Builder by modifying parameters as needed and clicking Submit Order. Or save the strategy to your Watchlist and submit it later.
The Strategy Builder helps you easily build named or custom strategies, using as much or as little automation as you want. If you’ve stayed away from using combination orders because they seemed too complicated, let the Strategy Builder change your mind.