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Futures Physical Options Delivery

Delivery, Exercise and Corporate Actions


Delivery, Exercise and Corporate Actions

Summary of Physical Delivery Future Options Policies

Contract Delivery Permitted Close-Out Deadline
All contracts Yes Options will be allowed to expire into futures (or, if out-of-the-money, expire worthless), if the options expiration date is prior to the underlying futures' First Position Day. If there is a resulting futures position, it will then be subject to the respective Close-Out Deadlines, as detailed here.


  • With respect to certain commodities and options, it is the industry standard to refer to the expiration month of such commodities as the month following the actual Expiration or Delivery Date for that product. TWS may not show the correct expiration or notice date information. For specifics on IB's handling please click here. QM (Oil); QG (Gas); most government US and German bond future options are examples that use atypical dating.
  • The standard commission will be charged for the exercise or assignment of any Future Option Contract.